
Atelier. Document. Imagination. Neoclassicism. Conceptual art. Open rehearsal. Physical theater. Science. Poetry. Installation. Performance. Renaissance. Symbol. Information. Intuition. Rationality. Theory. Practice. The last garden. Ignorance. Knowledge. Search for reason. And finally, of course, death. This is a movement between all these, between science and poetry, information and symbolism, or apparent chaos and unexpected beauty. This is a way to a sculpture, constant change, constant decisions. This is our question -- what is a good lineage?

× “… you are not intended to be earthly or divine, as a sculptor you can create yourself into a form you prefer. You can fall to a lower animal level or you can be uplifted to a higher divine, by your own decision. The form you choose depends on your free will. Decide on your own wishes and judgment … ”
Pico della Mirandola

× “Even if all the possible scientific questions were answered, the problems of our lives would be unaffected.”
Ludwig Wittgenstein

× “We all know we will die. We all feel we will not die.”
Fernando Pessoa

× “Play back the tape again and watch what happens.”
Stephen Jay Gould

x “My face can not be seen … I will place you to a rock crack and put my hand on you until I pass. Then I will take my hand away, you will see me from the rear. But nobody can see my
Exodus 33, 20-23

Mirandola, Pessoa, Wittgenstein, Gould, Book of Exodus. 15th Century scholar, 20th century philosopher, Portuguese writer, American evolutionary biologist, Bible. All the above mentioned passages naturally point to the most interesting, difficult, and probably irresponsible question -- who is a human being? What part in our lives, personalities, decisions have our genes, education, environment? What is a good lineage, good intention, purpose, characteristics, nature? We know and feel, we identify and suspect, our actions are based on these paradoxes. Our life, acting, decision making is like a fascinating ignorance about ourselves, about matter, about intangible, about the past, the future, the purpose, the sense, is like a poetry of chaos with occasional unexpected beauty, like a dance of unknown material that we will probably never know completely. It’s a constant search, finding or losing of the reasons, and the necessity to decide, to choose. Maybe it is possible to say that there is still more of what we do not know. At the same time, it is amazing that we can, we are capable and we want to ask.
And now imagine something that does not exist …


12.10. Bratislava / Moyzes hall / fb / tickets

13.10. Malacky / Synagogue / fb / tickets




Libretto, directed by
Andrej Kalinka

Dramaturgy, assistant director
Milan Kozanek

Sculptures, paintings, installations
Juraj Poliak, Andrej Kalinka

T.L. de Victoria, J. Arcadelt, J. Dowland, P.I. Tchaikovsky, A. Kalinka, traditional Georgian songs

Performers and co-creators
Zebastian Mendez Marin, Livia Balažova, Daniel Raček, Jan Moravek, Juraj Poliak, Andrej Kalinka


photo Noro Knap


Supported using public funding


With financial support


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